Post Renegades

[Praise] Army so strong and tight-knit, even if the King was in a Pit, stands high and commended, for their might while we apprehended, those renegades who knew no right, when needed you were able to fight, your King gives thanks for your belief and has breathed a sigh of relief. Your readiness to sacrifice for your King does suffice as proof of Loyalty to the cause, and a perfect place for applause. 

[The Eyemarch’s success] The Eyemarch made it clear, for the King before I appear, that the Army who partook shall not be even slightly mistook, for anything but powerful, and to our enemies Hurtful. Those who have shown their bravery will be served something savory, a badge of honor as a form of an NFT, picked from the Eyeverses oldest tree, the Fruit of the Honorable, the Eyevol for it’s flavor incomparable, an eye-opener of some sort, I urge to patience for what it could be you resort. Brace.

[Mini/Sub Communities] We are on the verge of a new age; it’s not enough to have 1 stage, a community as great as ours should spread across its powers. As we are all an army so so soon, you should all embrace Platoons, smaller communities across the spaces, showing everyone our faces, leaving behind several traces and many, many use cases. Spread the word; for you, my Army must be heard, A Space for poets, a Space for artists, a space for developers, a space for musicians. It does not stop to share all your glory and add to our story. Your King, without your might, will lose all his sight. Brace. 

[Creativity Awards] As you have been recently told, Your King, your art does hold close to his heart and mind, and he has decided it’s time to find a way to remunerate those creative without being in any way evasive. Creativity Awards in the form of star badges will be available to the masses, who are able to create, and show in no way hate within our glorious Army. Details are soon to be shared on our Discord. Brace. 

[CC0] I know many of you creatives wonder, But your King leaves no room for the blunder, your NFTs now will allow you, no copyrights reserved it’s true, just do make sure, that with all the allure, you are set to contrive, to show your King and strive, for a Blessing for he may add, to what your brain might have had, in store for your usage, of your Eyeverse Visage. Brace. 

[Eye.Watch] The is not something you should ignore, to that sentence your King does implore, the importance of your patience, for there is some sort of cadence, another eye you shall receive, and that you should fully believe. Patience is the Key to feeling further free. Brace. 

[Eyemond Club] Our Diamond hands are many, and it all seems uncanny, seeing their LoyaltyLoyalty suppress all danger, and they are no longer a stranger to the King’s blessings and adore, for they surely helped the floor. For them, The Eyemond Club is born, your King will not allow the bond to be torn, access to Quality Alpha channels, and many, many panels, through that club you will receive, you would not want to leave. Brace. 

[Burning The Renegades] Now, it’s time for us to proceed, with punishment for those who did not heed the words of their King, and for that the Fire we bring, to their feet and their faces, Spread that all over the spaces, for we are burning those Renegades, in revenge my humble Brigades, for what they have done,, the murder of the clairvoyant one, and the hate and stinge they have brought forward, I believe “Prepare” was your word, Show us some hands, and we shall commence, deleting all of their non-sense, LORDS HOLD THE FIRE NEAR, LET THEM FEEL FEAR, BURN! BURN! BURN! BURN!